Monday, November 30, 2015

The Myths of the Binary and "Passing"


If -you- say/feel you are trans, you do not need hormones, special clothing or other (traditional, modern) gender expressions to 'be trans'

Do -not- listen to those who would fight you on this.

While utilizing these things may indeed greatly help with your feelings of dysphoria, never let anyone tell you that there is ever an actual right/wrong way to be any kind of trans person.

The idea of 'passing' as cisgender, may have certain safety benefits, but is, in theory, problematic at best, and outright offensive at worst.
This concept is completely based on societal expectations and should be questioned and critiqued on the basis of -why- modern, western, society has deemed certain things to be traditionally masculine, feminine, or androgynous.

Your gender -identity- is yours alone to decide, and how you outwardly express yourself is a part of your own unique idea of gender -expression-

Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are all separate things. They all fall within a spectrum, in which there are far more than the TWO binary options.

'traditionally feminine' expressive people exist in every category of gender identity. and orientation.
'traditionally masculine' expressive people exist in every category of gender identity. and orientation.
'traditionally androgynous' expressive people exist in every category of gender identity. and orientation.

Support all of your SIBLINGS, not just your 'passing' 'brothers and sisters'...